Paying Filing Fees through Escrow
A limited number of filers have the ability to remit filing fees to the court through an escrow account. This relationship is based on an established process that allows the court to drawdown monies from a filer's escrow account when payment is required on a guardianship case. This relationship is setup separately with the court and is completely unrelated to the GTS.
Filers that are eligible to make escrow payments do not have to perform any special tasks in the GTS to use this alternative form of payment. In fact, these filers can follow the steps associated to Submitting a Filing without a Fee. The Payment and Submission page displays a $0.00 fee due and indicates that escrow is being used in the County column (ex. "Philadelphia (Escrow)"). While a fee is still charged, and reflected post-submission on the Receipt page, no payment information needs to be entered during the report submission process.
After the court receives a submission from an escrow-eligible filer, they will drawdown funds from the escrow account based on whatever terms have already been established.